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粉状洗涤剂 表面活性剂表观密度测试仪,体积称量法密度仪
Powder detergent surfactant apparent density tester
GB 13173 ISO1064 Apparent Density Tester
GB/T 13173-2009 ISO1064:1974
standard: GB/T 13173-2009 ISO1064: 1974
principle: Under specified conditions, the sample is leaked from a funnel with a specified shape, and after filling a receiving container with a known volume, the quality of the powder is measured.
It is suitable for free-flowing powders. When using a suitable funnel, it is also suitable for powders with a tendency to agglomerate. If there are clumps in the powder, only if the clumps are easy to loosen and do not cause the powder This equipment is suitable when the particles are broken
The apparent density of powder can be evaluated by the mass of powder occupying a certain volume, or the volume occupied by a certain mass of powder. In both forms, the process of transferring the original copper container to the measuring container is included. Due to the fragility of the product, its fluidity or agglomeration, the change in the geometric shape of its particles, and the inevitable compression caused by pouring into the measuring container during the measurement, the appearance of the hardness is generally different from that of the product. The density in the original container or packaging. Therefore, the measured result is only a customary value related to the method used.
3、测定有结块趋势的粉体时, 漏斗下口径60mm,上口径112mm,高度100mm
skills requirement:
1. The overall material of the funnel is made of stainless steel to ensure that the surface contacted by the powder is smooth and does not allow static electricity.
2. When measuring free-flowing powder, the lower diameter of the funnel is 40mm, the upper diameter is 108mm, and the height is 130mm.
3. When measuring powders with a tendency to agglomerate, the lower diameter of the funnel is 60mm, the upper diameter is 112mm, and the height is 100mm.
4. Volume of receiver: 500ML±0.5ML, sampling volume: 510-550ML
5. The bracket can position the funnel and the receiver correspondingly
6. The exit of the funnel comes with a cut-off plate/baffle for easy powder placement
1. 将漏斗放到支架上面,称量过的容器放在下地板的位置。
2. 用截止板遮住漏斗的下口,将试样倒入漏斗,直至其上边缘,然后迅速移去截止板,让漏斗中的粉末随即流入收料器并完全溢出
3. 用不锈钢尺子沿着受料器的上口边缘,小心地粉体刮平,然后去称重m2.天平精度到0.01g
4. 根据计算公式密度=(M2-M1)/V算出粉体的表观密度
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